Konichiwa! I’m Hilery. Hilery Bingham. I am a very, very proud United States Air Force wife to my Husband, CJ. He’s the reason why I have not been admitted..yet. . CJ puts up with the [at least] ten projects that I have going on at the house…daily! (I know, it’s bad) But he loves me. He loves me more than anything in the world. I am a mommy. My sweet girl, Claire Jo, just turned 18 months old and her sassy pants get pulled up higher every day, I’m tellin’ you! I fully believe that the “Terrible Two’s” saying is just an ongoing practical joke they all play on all of us who have kiddies around 15 months and up; although my child was born a diva.
Konichiwa! I’m Hilery. Hilery Bingham. I am a very, very proud United States Air Force wife to my Husband, CJ. He’s the reason why I have not been admitted..yet. . CJ puts up with the [at least] ten projects that I have going on at the house…daily! (I know, it’s bad) But he loves me. He loves me more than anything in the world. I am a mommy. My sweet girl, Claire Jo, just turned 18 months old and her sassy pants get pulled up higher every day, I’m tellin’ you! I fully believe that the “Terrible Two’s” saying is just an ongoing practical joke they all play on all of us who have kiddies around 15 months and up; although my child was born a diva.
My little family is currently stationed right outside of Tokyo, Japan from January 2013 until sometime in 2017. We are from around Dallas, Texas, so you can imagine the slight culture shock. We are totally loving every minute of being in this fabulous country. The Japanese people are so incredibly kind, and they love little American babies. It’s a different world here. I’m a rock star to them, and all I had to do was be American; not too difficult! Since we are on an island that is close to so many other countries, you better bet your bottom we will be doing TONS of exploring! Australia is on the wish list at the moment, and currently the title of our weakest savings account. We will get there.
OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! I always knew that we had an amazing God; I always knew he loved me, and I always knew I loved him. After having my daughter, my life changed. My heart changed. I became madly in love with The Lord. I became madly in love with my husband, in a completely different way. I became in love with people, my relationships, my parents, my in-laws. I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of everyone that I know’s life. I promised Him that I will do the best that I can while I am here, and I know it will be good enough. I have to keep reminding myself that I AM GOOD ENOUGH! [you are too.]
I struggle with a pretty severe case of Anxiety Disorder, which is why I refer to myself as The Nutcase We all have our weak spots, it’s just what you choose to do with it. I am currently choosing to seek help through therapy and medication. I have always had a slight case of it, but the second we were told we were moving to Japan, I panicked! And it all got a little[okay (Mom I know what you are thinking), INCREDIBLY] bumpy. I do not in any way think that anyone with Anxiety should EVER be ashamed or embarrassed! God made you PERFECT to Him! I believe this is a tool that He has given me that will one day help someone else struggling with the same issues. Progress is progress, I get better every day! Hallelujah!
Okay, cliche time….Yep. I’m gonna show y’all some of my baking skills on this blog. Probably won’t be anything fancy schmancy, or it might. Sometimes I just get a random pep in my step and feel the need to bake someone a cake, or cookies, or pumpkin pancakes, or pumpkin cupcakes, or pumpkin muffins, or anything pumpkin for that matter! I am that person who bakes brownies in a big pan, then eats so many that I have to re-plate it, so when my husband gets home he doesn't know how many I actually ate! (smooth! I know, right!?) Whoopsies! Momma ate cha brownies!
I actually lose sleep over thinking of how I want to decorate my house. New ideas pop into my head in the middle of the night. My heart starts racing and my legs get jittery and I JUST GET SO EXCITED! Paint colors, shelving, patterns, textures, furniture….paint colors, shelving, textures, furniture…. Can you see the pattern? Thank you, Jesus, for giving me a husband who lets me sleep in occasionally! I don’t know the “proper way” to do hardly anything. I do what works. The “rules” confuse me, so I make my own. I am incredibly thrifty. My furniture is mostly used, and refinished. I prefer older furniture because, well, “they just don’t make ‘em like they used to!” Why pay an arm and a leg for something that will fall apart in a few years, when you can go to a thrift store/estate sale/antique shoppe and find a beautiful, quality piece of furniture that is PACKED with character and history?! I love antiques because I love making up my own story for what I believe it was used for, what the house looked like with it. I just think it is so much fun. I take these pieces and make them my own. Bringing the old with the new[er].
“Jesus loves the little children of the world.” You know that crazy woman coming up to your child telling you how beautiful they are, with her eyes watering because they are just so precious, THAT’S ME! They are innocent! They are pure! They are beautiful! They are absolutely perfect in every way! The “terrible two’s” stage that we are in is quite challenging, especially since I have no family here in Japan to drop her off with so I can take a breather, gather all my marbles, and pull myself back together. Sometimes I feel like a terrible mother, that I don’t do enough for her, that I can’t teach her enough, that she doesn't eat healthy enough, that I yell and cry because I can’t get her to stop screaming, when we are both so frustrated because we just can’t understand each other. THEN (after I come out of the bathroom, because it’s the only place I can have to myself where I can’t hear her), I remind myself that I, ME! ME ME! GOD HAS CHOSEN ME! to be this gorgeous child’s mother. Because I am the BEST person in the WORLD for her! Claire Jo, MY Claire Jo. She is my apple covered in peanut butter, the raisins on my Ant’s on a Log, the PB to my J. [I may or may not go through a big jar of peanut butter every two weeks.] Now, go kiss your babies….Even if they are 40.
Whew! Well, that was a heck of a lot longer than I thought my first post would be, it was so fun! I hope you will stick around and see what all I can get going on here! You will have to work with me though, I know how to type, but that’s pretty much all when it comes to using a computer; and I’m only 25! I’m too busy for that, that’s my excuse. Too busy being The Nutcase going head-to-head with the “terribliFFIC two’s”, too busy eating the brownies and pumpkin cupcakes that I bake for CJ, too busy of taking advantage of every second of every beautiful day The Lord has given me! Thank you so much for reading!
Be blessed, y’all!
P.S. I do not have a snazzy camera, and absolutely no photography skills, so you will never see something photo shopped or cropped, not because I don’t think that pictures are more beautiful that way, I just don’t know how, haha. So guess what, you get it raw!